Crew-8 Launched for Six-Months of Research Aboard the Space Station

Crew-8 Launched for Six-Months of Research Aboard the Space Station

A SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft lifted off on March 3, 2024, with three Americans and one Russian for a six-month mission aboard the International Space Station. Ongoing research aboard the orbital laboratory is designed to benefit humans living on and off the Earth. What is learned in orbit also will help NASA prepare for long-term operations on and around the Moon and eventual exploration of Mars.

Legendary Countdown Preceded the First Moon Landing Mission

Legendary Countdown Preceded the First Moon Landing Mission

A countdown first was used as part of a rocket’s launch to the Moon in the 1929 science-fiction movie “Frau im Mond” (Woman in the Moon). Ironically, a countdown led to the voyage of Neil Armstrong, Mike Collins and Buzz Aldrin completing the first mission to actually land humans on the Moon 40 years later. The day Apollo 11 lifted off on its extraordinary flight, July 16, 1969, hundreds of millions on every continent around the world watched and listened on live television to what became the most famous countdown.

Launch Countdown Tradition Began with a Silent Movie

Launch Countdown Tradition Began with a Silent Movie

The familiar count backwards to zero leading to the launch of a rocket did not originate with missiles fired from Cape Canaveral. It began with an Austrian filmmaker recruiting a spaceflight pioneer to recommend ways to add drama and realism to a 1929 science-fiction movie about a fictitious trip to the Moon. German rocket enthusiasts soon began including countdowns to their rocket tests. It later continued in their work in the U.S. leading to the historic first actual lunar flight by humans.

Premier, Multi-User Spaceport Sets Record for Launches During 2023

Premier, Multi-User Spaceport Sets Record for Launches During 2023

During 2023, 72 rockets launched into the skies regularly rumbling windows along Florida’s Space Coast proving, again, that NASA’s Kennedy Space Center with Cape Canaveral Space Force Station have been established as America’s premier multi-user spaceport. The new record shattered the previous number set only last year during which 57 rockets lifted off.

Artemis II to Launch New Era in Human Presence Beyond Earth

Artemis II to Launch New Era in Human Presence Beyond Earth

In November of 2024, NASA will renew human exploration beyond Earth as four astronauts travel to the Moon for the first time in more than 50 years. Aboard an Orion spacecraft, four astronauts will loop beyond the lunar surface venturing farther away than humans ever traveled before. Plans call for the Artemis II flight test to pave the way for landing the first woman and the first person of color on the Moon for long-term presence for science and exploration.

Dragon Re-entry Creates Rare Spectacle for Earthbound Viewers

Dragon Re-entry Creates Rare Spectacle for Earthbound Viewers

A rocket thundering into space is a familiar sight for residents of Florida’s Space Coast. In the past two years, more than once a week windows rattle as launch vehicles send satellites to orbit and spacecraft on missions beyond Earth. However, those who were outside on a recent evening witnessed a rare spectacle. A spacecraft streaked across the night sky as four astronauts aboard a SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere.

Multi-national Crew Launched to International Space Station

Multi-national Crew Launched to International Space Station

Four astronaut specialists, four space agencies, four nations launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center for a long-term mission aboard the International Space Station. It’s an effort emblematic of America’s growing effort to involve global participation in space exploration. The Crew-7 commander is NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli. Joining her are European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Andreas Mogensen of Denmark, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Satoshi Furukawa and Roscosmos cosmonaut Konstantin Borisov of Russia.

Mars Rovers Spirit, Opportunity Exceeded Expectations

Mars Rovers Spirit, Opportunity Exceeded Expectations

Androids rolling along distant planets were once only the stuff of science fiction. However, in recent years, mechanized trailblazers have become NASA’s precursors to human explorers. Among the most successful was the twin Mars Exploration Rovers, known as Spirit and Opportunity. Both far exceeded expectations for their work on the Red Planet.

Father and Son Record NASA Triumphs Through Artists’ Eyes

Father and Son Record NASA Triumphs Through Artists’ Eyes

Each year during mid-July, space historians celebrate one of the most momentous events of the 20th Century. For the first time, humans left Earth to land on the Moon. Many nations around the world have extensively celebrated the mission of Apollo 11 on postage stamps. In the United States, the most iconic commemoratives include works of art by a father and son team – Paul and Chris Calle.

Endeavour in Leading Role to Educate, Inspire Future Explorers

Endeavour in Leading Role to Educate, Inspire Future Explorers

For more than a decade, NASA’s Space Shuttle Endeavour has been the star attraction at the California Science Center. During that time, more than 18 million guests at the West Coast museum have learned about the Space Shuttle Program’s legacy. After 25 flights to space during the first 20 years of its career, Endeavour departed the agency’s Kennedy Space Center soon arriving at its new home beginning an ongoing role educating and encouraging explorers of tomorrow.