Tag: Alexei Leonov

A Triumphal First Spacewalk is Followed by a Perilous Return

A Triumphal First Spacewalk is Followed by a Perilous Return

“A human being has made the first ever walk in open space. He is at this very moment flying free in space.” This was the announcement of Soviet cosmonaut Pavel Belyayev during a television broadcast on March 18, 1965. Fellow Voskhod-2 crewmember Alexei Leonov climbed out of their spacecraft, exited an airlock and floated alone 310 miles above the Earth. It was another stunning spaceflight “first” for the Soviet Union 60 Years ago.

The U.S. Edges Ahead in the Race for Space, Shoots for the Moon

The U.S. Edges Ahead in the Race for Space, Shoots for the Moon

The “Space Race” between the United States and the Soviet Union remains an often studied and debated period of the 20th Century. While the Russians began with a lead, once challenged, the leadership of President John F. Kennedy resulted in Americans surpassing their Cold War rival on the way to the Moon. While the effort was politically motivated, the technology that came from space exploration built the modern world.

Soviet ‘Star Brothers’ Orbit as Part of First Joint Space Flight

Soviet ‘Star Brothers’ Orbit as Part of First Joint Space Flight

In the summer of 1962, the Soviet Union stunned the world once again with a space spectacular in which two cosmonauts quadrupled the duration of a mission a year earlier while simultaneously orbiting two crewed spacecraft. The achievement appeared to extend the lead of America’s Cold War rival in the “Space Race.”

Yuri Gagarin’s Historic Flight Broke the ‘Chains of Gravity’

Yuri Gagarin’s Historic Flight Broke the ‘Chains of Gravity’

The dream of breaking the “chains of gravity” and traveling through space was realized six decades ago on April 12, 1961. At age 27, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin launched into a one-orbit mission around the Earth becoming the first person to venture into the cosmos. While it was another volley in the Cold War with the United States, it marked a historic achievement hailed around the world.