Tag: Atlas

Quick Thinking Demonstrated Value of the Human Element

Quick Thinking Demonstrated Value of the Human Element

In late 1966, the final Gemini mission was launched into the skies over Cape Kennedy Air Force Station. At Mission Control in Houston, Dr. Chris Kraft, NASA’s director of Flight Operations, turned to Dr. Robert Gilruth, director of the agency’s Manned Spacecraft Center, and said, “Thank God we never had to use those ejection seats.” But, if not for a test pilot’s quick thinking, two astronauts would have during an attempt to launch a Gemini mission a year earlier.

Cooper’s Mission Helped Prove ‘Man has a Place in Space’

Cooper’s Mission Helped Prove ‘Man has a Place in Space’

Between May 15 and 16, 1963, 60 years ago, NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper flew the longest American human spaceflight to date. The goal of Project Mercury was to determine if people could survive the rigors of riding a rocket to orbit around the Earth and, once there, perform useful work. Cooper not only demonstrated humans could, he demonstrated his expert piloting skills by performing a pinpoint landing after many of the spacecraft systems failed.

Schirra Proved Astronauts Can Successfully Control a Spacecraft

Schirra Proved Astronauts Can Successfully Control a Spacecraft

“I’m having a ball up here drifting,” said NASA astronaut Wally Schirra as he orbited the Earth six times during the Mercury-Atlas 8, the agency’s fifth manned space flight — 60 years ago. He proved that if the pilot was allowed to take control of the flight, he could conserve fuel and solve problems as they arise.

Cape Canaveral: Historic Launch Pad for Exploration Beyond Earth

Cape Canaveral: Historic Launch Pad for Exploration Beyond Earth

Marianna Triplett was working at the Pentagon, continuing the effort to transfer millions of men and women back to civilian life after they served in the military during World War II. One day during 1948, a U.S. Army general called her into his office and said he wanted to transfer her to Florida to assist with a “hush-hush secret program.” The new effort building Cape Canaveral Space Force Station would lead to some of the most historic achievements of the decades to come.

Quintessential American Hero Takes America to Earth Orbit

Quintessential American Hero Takes America to Earth Orbit

“Liftoff, the clock is operating. We’re underway,” NASA astronaut John Glenn announced as he launched to as the first American to orbit the Earth. His spacecraft’s onboard mission elapsed time clock began counting his minutes in flight as he was boosted from Florida’s East Coast on Feb. 20, 1962 – 60 years ago. After his three-orbit mission, the U.S. Marine Corps colonel returned to Earth as the quintessential American hero.

Demanding Gemini XI Mission Flies on Top of the World

Demanding Gemini XI Mission Flies on Top of the World

“I tell ya from up here the world is round. It is spectacular. It’s fantastic,” said Gemini XI command pilot Pete Conrad as he and pilot Dick Gordon looked down from their lofty vantage point. Their record-shattering altitude of 850 miles above the Earth was only one highlight of a demanding, three-day mission in September 1966 – 55 years ago.

Gemini X Sets Records for Rendezvous, Altitude Above Earth

Gemini X Sets Records for Rendezvous, Altitude Above Earth

In mid-1966, Gemini X continued advancing NASA’s capabilities for operating in space with a record-setting, three-day flight. Two astronauts completed rendezvous with two separate targets, retrieved an experiment package from one and set a new altitude record for human flight. All the objectives were designed as stepping stones in preparation for the Apollo Moon landings to follow.

Gemini IX Crew Finds ‘Angry Alligator’ in Earth Orbit

Gemini IX Crew Finds ‘Angry Alligator’ in Earth Orbit

NASA’s Gemini IX mission was another step in developing technology for future spaceflights from Apollo to the agency’s upcoming Artemis Program designed to return astronauts to the Moon followed by exploration of Mars. But, this 1966 mission included developing alternate plans when faced with the unexpected.

Gemini’s First Docking Turns to Wild Ride in Orbit

Gemini’s First Docking Turns to Wild Ride in Orbit

In early 1966, Gemini VIII chalked up another crucial spaceflight technology milestone for the United States. But the triumph quickly became an in-flight emergency, testing NASA’s quick-thinking skills to bring the astronauts safely home — 55 years ago this month.

American-Developed Abort System Helped Save a Russian Space Crew

American-Developed Abort System Helped Save a Russian Space Crew

Spaceflight is inherently dangerous. From the earliest days of designing spacecraft for crews, engineers have looked for ways astronauts could be rescued in the event of a mishap involving the rocket. An American-developed option — a launch escape system, or escape tower – was copied by the Soviet Union and it saved the lives of two Russian cosmonauts.