Tag: Aurora 7

Artist’s Talent Broke into the All-Male World of Pad Operations

Artist’s Talent Broke into the All-Male World of Pad Operations

In early 1962, preparations were underway for John Glenn’s historic flight as the first American to orbit the Earth. He named his Mercury spacecraft “Friendship 7,” and he wanted the illustrator who created the design for the logo to paint it on his capsule. In doing so, artist Cecelia Bibby stepped into what was otherwise an all-male domain.

Scott Carpenter Pioneered Exploration in Space and the Seas

Scott Carpenter Pioneered Exploration in Space and the Seas

As the second American to orbit the Earth and one of the Original 7 Mercury astronauts, Scott Carpenter was an icon of NASA’s early efforts to explore the new frontier of space. The goal of his Mercury Atlas-7 flight was to help confirm humans could not only survive in the weightless environment of space, but also do useful work there. The lessons learned included a reminder that spaceflight was far more dangerous than a daily commute to work.