Tag: Cape Kennedy

Space Center’s Visitor Complex: A Window into NASA Operations

Space Center’s Visitor Complex: A Window into NASA Operations

n the summer of 1966, America’s space program raced forward with Gemini flights in Earth orbit while new facilities were built to meet President John F. Kennedy’s goal of landing a man on the Moon. During that time, NASA provided an opportunity to view work going on inside the gates of the agency’s Kennedy Space Center. In years to come, the visitor complex became one of the premier attractions in Florida.

Gemini XII Crew Masters the Challenges of Spacewalking

Gemini XII Crew Masters the Challenges of Spacewalking

In the 20 months following the first piloted Gemini mission, NASA astronauts demonstrated the ability to change orbits, perform rendezvous and docking, along with spending up to two weeks in space. Spacewalking, on the other hand, remained an enigma. With only one more Gemini flight on the schedule, solving the problems of working outside a spacecraft would be the primary goal for Gemini XII.

Daring Gemini Missions Achieved Crucial Spaceflight Milestones

Daring Gemini Missions Achieved Crucial Spaceflight Milestones

The flights of two piloted spacecraft during December 1965 were major strides forward in advancing NASA’s capabilities in human spaceflight. While Gemini VII orbited the Earth for two weeks, Gemini VI was launched, completing the first-ever rendezvous between two spacecraft in orbit. This marked the point in which the United States clearly pulled ahead in the space race with the Soviet Union.

Gemini V: Paving the Way for Long Duration Spaceflight

Gemini V: Paving the Way for Long Duration Spaceflight

During the summer of 1965, the United States began to pull even in the space race with the Soviet Union. The eight-day Gemini V endurance mission doubled America’s spaceflight record set two months earlier. It also tested technology that would help make longer missions possible in the future.