Tag: Launch Complex 39B

A New Era of Space Exploration Dawns with Artemis I Liftoff

A New Era of Space Exploration Dawns with Artemis I Liftoff

The ground shook for miles around as NASA’s new mega-rocket, the most powerful in the world, roared to life for the first time, beginning a new era in space exploration. Liftoff of the 32-story-tall Space Launch System, or SLS, is sending a human-rated spacecraft to the Moon for the first time in 50 years. The Orion capsule now is streaking across trans-lunar space on a mission that will take it well beyond the Moon, paving the way for landing the first woman and the first person of color on the lunar surface.

This Time It’s for Real

This Time It’s for Real

On the evening of Aug. 16, 2022, the most powerful rocket ever built once again rolled out of the Vehicle Assembly Building to Launch Complex 39B at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. But this time, it’s for real. The destination is the Moon.

Assembly of NASA’s Mega-Rocket Complete for Trip Beyond Moon

Assembly of NASA’s Mega-Rocket Complete for Trip Beyond Moon

The most powerful rocket ever built now is fully assembled at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center and final preparations are underway to begin the agency’s most ambitious program of exploration. A series of integrated tests are planned prior to the targeted liftoff in March 2022. The Space Launch System (SLS) will send an Orion spacecraft on a mission well beyond the Moon paving the way for landing the first woman and the first person of color on the lunar surface.

NASA Takes Major Steps Toward Launching World’s Largest Rocket

NASA Takes Major Steps Toward Launching World’s Largest Rocket

NASA’s spacecraft designed to return astronauts to the Moon recently reached a major milestone in preparations for its first flight atop the world’s largest rocket, the Space Launch System. The Orion capsule for the agency’s Artemis I mission moved from the manufacturing and assembly stage to processing for flight. This is one of the latest steps forward for the program that will take the first woman and next man to the lunar surface.

Iconic Building Remains a Pillar of America’s Spaceport

Iconic Building Remains a Pillar of America’s Spaceport

The Vehicle Assembly Building, or VAB, is the most recognizable structure at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. It is so big, it can be seen from miles away. Now that the center is a premier, multi-user spaceport, industry partners soon will share the facility. It also is the only building in the world where human spaceflight rockets have been prepared for trips to low-Earth orbit, the Moon and — in the future – to Mars.

Shuttle Endeavour Joined NASA’s Fleet with ‘Spectacular’ First Flight

Shuttle Endeavour Joined NASA’s Fleet with ‘Spectacular’ First Flight

NASA’s Space Shuttle Endeavour first arrived at her home spaceport, NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, on May 7, 1991. Following exactly one year of completing assembly, rigorous tests and processing, the newest orbiter “set sail”into the skies over the Atlantic Ocean. The maiden voyage marked one of the most dramatic examples of the value of humans in spaceflight.